All Micro Ambient Music: Tribute für Ryuichi Sakamoto

Kürzlich erschien ein Tribut an den kürzlich verstorbenen Ryuichi Sakamoto. Auf dem 5CD-Set „All Micro Ambient Music“ sind u.a. David Toop, Lawrence English, Alva Noto und Otomo Yoshihide vertreten.“This compilation is a memorial album for Ryuichi Sakamoto by musicians and collaborators who were close to him from 2000 to his later years. This is realized with the support of 41 musicians from Japan and abroad. We called the music “Micro Ambient Music,” which uses non-instrumental sounds to bring silence and serenity to the listener. This memorial disc was created by Ryuichi Sakamoto’s label mates at New York’s “12K” label, which also released Sakamoto’s music.
This is a memorial work by musicians who are not on any label, but are self-released. Although Ryuichi Sakamoto’s reputation has focused on YMO and the Academy Awards, the true value of his life and music can be also seen in his later works. This memorial disc focuses on musicians who were close to Ryuichi Sakamoto, especially in his later years. This memorial disc is a transition from music centered on non-instrumental sounds to music centered on instrumental sounds. The memorial sounds were arranged in a natural, peaceful, and inevitable harmony, as a single work.
Like one’s own breathing, which takes place constantly, if one is aware of it, there is a discovery of beauty, and if played in the background of one’s life, it brings tranquility and calm.
The more you listen to this 5-disc set, 3 hours and 56 minutes long, the more it sinks in. The sound that Ryuichi Sakamoto left behind will continue to spread from here.”