Das aus Mute-Gründer Daniel Miller und dem mit dem Label seit langem eng verbundenen Produzenten Gareth Jones bestehende Duo Sunroof bringt Mitte des Monats eine Fortsetzung des letztjährigen Albums “Electronic Music Improvisations Vol 1″ heraus. Formell gehen die acht Stücke, die nach dem jeweiligen Monat ihres Entstehens betitelt sind, in eine ähnliche Richtung wie der Vorgänger. Die Musiker betonen allerdings den Unterschied des relativ kurzzeitigen Entstehungsprozesses zu der langen Vorlaufzeit, die zu ersten Teil führte, gerade wenn man die jahrzehntelange Freundschaft der beiden mit einbezieht: “I suppose this is the difficult second album, [...] it took 40 years to make the first album and just nine months to create this one! [...] We got on a roll and didn’t really stop recording once we had that momentum”. Das Album erscheint in den gängigen Formaten in der Parallel Series von Mute Records, zwei Tracks sind schon als Video bzw im Stream erhältlich.
“Electronic Music Improvisations Volume 2 is a set of eight improvised modular electronic music instrument pieces recorded at the duo’s respective home studios. The recording sessions followed release of their debut, Electronic Music Improvisations Volume 1 (2021) but where Vol. 1 was the result of four decades of friendship and collaboration, this new album came together in a relatively short space of time. Recorded in the same spirit as their previous sessions – with no pre-planning and no rehearsal – they met up with “unpatched” modular systems, and began improvising. Without any of the parameters they followed in the first sessions, the duo allowed the pieces to expand naturally, keeping editing to a minimum. [...] During the sessions they found themselves aiming for more clarity and space within their improvisation, allowing the listener to be drawn into the pieces in a different kind of way.
Textures glide, while random sequences knock against one another – forming then disintegrating before re-forming, and while they do so, uncovering minimal glitching rhythms [...] The eight pieces that make up Electronic Music Improvisations Volume 2 are imbued with the experimental playfulness of early electronic pioneers but retain their modernity thanks to their creator’s constant explorations in electronic music.” (Mute Records)