Skipping to Armageddon. Fotoband über Current 93 bei Strange Attractor Press

Die aus Östereich stammende Fotografin Ruth Bayer avancierte in den 80er Jahren zu einer profilierten Dokumentatorin der englischen Post Punk-Szene und hat zahlreiche Musiker porträtiert und Szenen aus ihrem Alltag festgehalten. Unter anderem knüpfte sie Mitte der 80er Kontakt zu den Musikern des World Serpent-Umfeldes, von denen in der Folge zahlreiche Aufnahmen entstanden. Unter dem Titel “Skipping To Armageddon. The Ultimate Hallucinatory Photograph Book Of C93 & Friends” erscheint im August ein 192-seitiger Fotoband über Current 93, der den Werdegang der Band über einen langen Zeitraum abdeckt.

“Bringing together, for the first time, the music photography of Ruth Bayer, who has documented key players in the English musical post-punk underground since the mid 1980s.

With unprecedented access and intimacy, Ruth has photographed luminaries and legends including Marc Almond, Little Annie, John Balance, Peter Christopherson, Shirley Collins, Cyclobe, Baby Dee, Steven Stapleton, David Tibet, Tony (TS) McPhee, Norbert Kox, Tiny Tim, and many others, in a career spanning three decades.

This is a unique collection, featuring over one hundred timeless and iconic images of some of the most influential, eccentric and sometimes controversial musicians of their times.

Ruth Bayer is an Austrian photographer, based in London, whose work has been exhibited at galleries all over the world. Her photographs have appeared in numerous music and style magazines over the past two decades and most recently in the book ‘The Play Goes On: The Rituals of the Rainbow Bridge by Zachary Cox and Jean M Williams’.”

Strange Attractor Press