Homogenized Terrestials mit Vibrationen aus den Räumlichkeiten Nikola Teslas

Phillip Klampe hat vor kurzem eine neue CD seines Projektes homogenized terrestrials herausgebracht, deren neun soundscapeartige Stücke auf Klangaufnahmen bezug nehmen, die in der Vergangenheit in Nikola Teslas Apartment gemacht worden sind. “Over the course of a few decades, individuals have secretly entered Teslaʼs apartment and made recordings with a device referred to as the quantum envelope collector”, erklärt Klampe. “This device is capable of extracting vibrations stored within objects and creating a representation of the events and sounds that remained and continue to remain long after Teslaʼs death. Next comes the task of interpreting these sounds. Do they represent actual sounds that occurred, recreated to the best of our ability with current technology? Or are these coded sounds that must be deciphered further to see or hear what they really say?” Dabei geht es auch um die immer wieder aufgekommenen Spekulationen über weniger irdische Formen der Kommunikation: “Some have speculated that these are Weiterlesen